Tuesday, September 14, 2021

New Finer Points of Finishing Tip Series

 Come Along....

I get so many questions on Embroidery Finishing that I have decided to run a small You Tube video series on the subject, FlossTube Finer Finishing Tips.  We spend so much time on our embroidery, years and years even, and then expect to mount said embroidery on a box in a weekend. NOT SO.  Just as much care should be spent on finishing as the embroidery itself. A great finishing job has the ability to elevate a mediocre embroidery...just as bad finishing can make the most elaborate and expertly worked embroidery look horrible. 

I will be having some finishing classes in the future, but hope that until then, you will join me to follow the transformation of a cheap wooden pine box (under 10.00 USD) purchased on Amazon. I will try and post a new video every 10 days or so. The second in the series is below:

I am not a scripted person, and I don´t make notes. What you see is what you get. When I get my arm stuck in glue...you will probably too. My camera angles need work. I am not a skilled cinematographer...but I think you will enjoy the videos and maybe pick up a few tricks to use in your own finishing~be it a stumpwork casket or mounting a cross stitch or needlepoint piece to a cigar box. 

As you will realize through this series, a box need not be expensive to offer a spectacular, unique finish for your precious embroidery. 

1 comment:

Barbara Brown said...

I LOVE your videos!! Besides being very informative, I get to SEE you, even if it is just your hand....it's part of you and I miss that hand and the body it's attached to!! LY, Mom