Saturday, July 06, 2019

Truly Honored

Thankyou Early American Life

 It's been such a busy summer! I have so many things I want to share here on the blog~ just got back from a wonderful trip to Yellowstone national Park...went up home to visit my parents and picked sapphires in Montana...spent my 4th of July on the surface of the sun (it was sooo hot) along with the cicadas...but first, want to express my heartfelt thanks to all of the judges for selecting me again for this year's Early American Life Directory of Traditional American Crafts for my 12th consecutive year. 

 Thankyou so very much~ both to the judges, and to all of my wonderful customers who have given so many of my dollies and art loving homes, I appreciate it more than I can ever express in words. 

 I thought you would like to see a larger picture of Humility~ she represents the 1790-1810 period~ a period I absolutely adore. Everyone loves the mid century dollies so much I don't often get orders for later years, which is a shame because the clothing was so fabulous~ the textiles & embroidery was so fine and delicate.
Humility's gown is hand stitched from a period embroidered fragment the owner provided, making her even more special. This period I lovingly refer to as 'gossamer white', as so much of the clothing was white on white, with the accessories adding in the colour~ usually the shoes, bags and shawls. She is one of my favorite girls! xoxox

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