Sunday, November 04, 2018

an exhausting week......

Only 3 Peaceful Kingdom Kits Left!
For those of you still interested in a kit for this years limited edition ornament, I have a scant 3 kits left! If you are interested in ordering one, you can do so on the Diamond K Folk Art Blog, link to the right.

  This past week was a doozy~ I am exhausted. All my children love Halloween~ I love it! Pip put on a marvelously fun party for the family with games~ pin the nose on the pumpkin...ball toss, her surprise pumpkin balloons where she hides things in the balloons and when if you pop the right one it comes zooming out at you....she made the most amazing monster cupcakes for her cake walk....

And of coarse, what Hallowe'en Party would be complete without bobbing for apples? It was the most fun ever
 We ended the night with lighting the children's punkins they carved earlier that was a busy Sunday!

  Then along came Tuesday...and 8" of heavy wet snow. 

 We lost several trees, including our oldest Elder~ it split right down the middle. The Children were looking forward to their Halloween parties at school, but school was cancelled, and our power was out all day. Pip got just kind of snowballed from pun intended.

The rest of the week we have spent clearing trees~ half the elder fell on husbands International pickup....its under the big brown fluff of tree on the left..and his blue Scout is under the other half of the tree to the right...I told him he should have bought a lotto ticket to be that 'lucky'...

 What broke my heart was the weight of the snow also cracked our biggest, oldest cottonwood~ this tree has stood on this property since the late 1700s, the original Madrid Plaza adobe commissary  stood just to the left of it. So, once we got the Elder cleaned up, my son made a little relief cut at the bend, we thought it would fall then but this old majestic tree stood fast, putting up a valiant fight to the very last second
 I cried my eyes out over this tree, so sad to see it go~ place just doesnt seem right, or the same without it.  I did manage to get the back panel of my casket finished tho, in this mess of a week with a sick child and no power...I'll save that for another post. Stupid daylight savings time is here~ so its now dark by 4.30 pm...all I want to do is sleeeeeeeep!

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