Sunday, August 09, 2015

Back Home

Painted Slate Frames And A Recipe...

   Am back home now from Washington and thought I would share one of my favorite slate frames with you~ one of the things that is so much fun for me in offering custom painted things, is that I don't decide what will be painted on them, the customer does! I have painted some things lately that I don't think I ever would have thought to put on a slate frame or thread palette....but they come out so wonderful!  This particular order was a set of frames with teddies on them~ above is one of the two. Set in the middle of the top slat is a little girl teddy holding needle and thread by some spools~ all ready to get her stitch on. There are lounging teddies & faces sprinkled here and there....but my favorite are the ballooners~
  The vertical slats each have a bear holding going coming down! I am really loving the watercolour technique on the wood.
 For those of you who are thinking of giving, or getting a frame for Christmas, I would say you should order by October to be sure to get a place in line that will have your frame finished and thru the post ready in time for Christmas giving. I usually get rather busy dollys wise during this time as well. I have never yet not finished an order on time, but I do only have two hands and can only work so quickly!
   Mom sent this home with me~ a watercolour she painted in 1975~
Its a recipe~ my new favorite actually, and its going to get framed and put up on the wall....
1 grassy field
2 small dogs
1 new kitten
1/2 doz children
A pinch of brook
Some pebbles
Mix the children and the dogs and kitten well together and put them in a field,  stirring constantly.

Pour the brook over the pebbles. Sprinkle the field with flowers. Spread over all a deep blue sky. Bake in a hot sun. When brown remove and set away to cool in a bathtub. "


Janet said...

Well you are your mother's daughter, filled with the beauty of everything and everyone around you!

Unknown said...

Wonderful! Don't know which is better-the recipe or the teddys.