The fields are harvested and bare, And Winter whistles through the squareOctober dresses in flame and goldLike a woman afraid of growing old............~ Anne Mary Lawler
Is it these WICKED hot summer days that have me longing for the crisp fall aires??? The smell of the log fire burning, the fallen leaves decaying back to the earth.................that
bite in the air when you first breathe it in? I have been dreaming of those days, that seem to go by in a flash, the older I get...................but sometimes......................., you know,.............. Dreams
do become reality!
*****heeee heeeee~ do you seee her in there hiding???? Shes currently available on eBay!******
OH Rachael. I know I'm wishing the year away, but I just long for October. I sometimes think it's because it's the month I was born.
I hate these bloody hot and humid days.................Barb
Me too Rach! Autumn is my favorite time of year ~ always has been. I can clse my eyes and almost smell the fall air....
Well, maybe I shouldn't CLOSE my eyes ~ I can't see how to type! LOL!
I'm wishing for autumn in this California heat....I too long for it! It is right around the corner, and your lovely new pumpking gal can't wait until it arrives! :)
Before you know it, it will be autumn!!:o)
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