Inspiration, c1820...........
Everyone who knows me, knows I
love boxes! To me, the wrap is nearly as important as what is inside~ I seal my Queen Anne boxes with original, antique seals from my collection here at the museum. They are some of my favorite little items that were, in th
eir own time,
indispensables. With no sticky on an envelope, a person would have a variety of these wonderful little gems on their writing desk, to seal their correspondence with...some have secret meanings, some have family crests....all meant to be very personal between the barer and

Above is one of my Antiqued fabric boxes in one of my favorite shades of blue, sealed with 'the all seeing eye' is one of 8 precious images on a multi seal that I just added to the collection last month. There are 6
removable seals round the outer wheel, and two on each end, hand carved in blue pretty!

This seal dates c1820. There are flowers, heartes, a little 'forget me knot' quotation, birds, the eye....even a train! (invented in 1781 if you were wondering)...but my FAVORITE.....

Is the Rooster. "While I Live, I Crow" it says, which is
definitely a
goode motto for me!