Saturday, February 02, 2019

Not much to Show.....

Just call me...Snail Racer....

  So I dont have much to show for what little miniscule work I have got done....well...I guess that doesn't make sense...for all the time....not much to show! Tomorrow is Sunday and I plan to spend whole day stitching~ cant wait.  If you look close in the picture above, the lower right hand corner.....that date started out being a 14 if you can believe...then got changed to 15...then I quit changing it, and have finally penciled it over to be a 19 blast it....19 is when this casket will get finished!
Last Sunday I worked some padding on the castle in the many choices for colors, its so hard to decide. Thats what takes me the  most time and brain energy I think, is deciding on bead colors.  The castle is so small, right off the bat I could eliminate so many colors because the beads were just too big...beads on this are in the 60 per inch range, so super tiny...because I want details!  Cut some mica for all the mica!
 Yes, my birdies are white....which is not traditional, but you will see why later on.....
I left all pics today large so you can click on them to see the details!

  Does this look like a tower? I couldn't tell you, I can barely see it myself even with my magnifiers on...

  How about now? I want the traditional vertical shading seen in needlelace....and these beads are so small, they look like me anyways.

Ah...yes, these colors will do. This was a color test...with beads alot of times they come out looking different made up than they do in the pot...the light will go thru them different if they are next to an opaque bead, or an opal...This little piece took forever....hopefully I will be able to add some beads to adjust the fit a little so I can use it....and get the other tower done tomorrow...thats my goal anyways...if my eyes can hang for that long.
Happy Stitching!!!

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