Thursday, June 05, 2008

A GOODE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes!!!! We had a good day today! Enter HUGE smiley face here, and another one for goode measure! Dr took of the bandage on Tressa's hip ~ where he took off the skin for her graft~ it is bigger than I thought it would be, about the size of my hand, but it looked good, and we are leaving it 'out' to air dry and eventually form a scab. We still are waiting to see if the graft attached~ will still be a couple of days before we can even take a peek....its harder than waiting for Santa to come ~ I dont like suspence........... so on the to GOOD news! ****NO MORE IV**** WOO HOOO! At 9.34 am this morning, the IV was taken O*U*T* and not replaced! YES YES YES YES. Baby steps to comming home! No more Primaxin or Unasyn, she will be on Keflex via pill from now on. We all just couldnt be happier~ tis a WONDERFUL DAY! And thankyou so much for stopping by the BLOG to check up on Tressa~


Doreen Frost said...

Great news Racheal!! I'm praying for a speady recovery.

...I'm so sorry for what your poor little gal has been going through. I'm sure it has been very hard on all of you.


Cyndi said...

Hallelujah, Rachael!!! This is wonderful news and I'm hoping soon you'll get a peek at Tressa's healing leg! I'm wishing for a healthy graft and a speedy trip home! Hugs to Tressa and your other dear babies!
