Tuesday, December 31, 2024

New Year.....New Project Goals

 What is Your 2025 Goal?

Today I sat and wrote out a list of goals for 2025. No resolutions...just a list of things that I want to accomplish, aside from living through the entire year, thats a given. I have close to a dozen things on my list, I put it up on the board by my desk so that I can be reminded every day of what I should be doing.  Some things are new endeavors...some things are things that have been nagging at me to get done for a while...and by a while, I mean, some of them nagging at me for YEARS now. One of the most persistent ones is this beautiful c1850s wool challis. Those who know me know my stance on cutting up early clothing for dollmaking or anything really....there are so few original garments out there~ don't get me started (you can search the blog for my post "Be Ye a Cutter" from several years ago that angered many a folk)...anyways...a few years ago I was searching for some wool challis and I happened on the above. Isn't it just gorgeous?

It was being sold as a loom width, and upon looking at the photos closer, I could see that the bottom had been hemmed, and the top of the panel had been gathered.....

I asked the seller if they had any more 'panels', to which they replied quite confidentially, yes they did...they had just finished unpicking a dress how many did I want? I want them ALL I said.

 She said, I have the hem lining as well, do you want that? I said Yes. Seller then said, Well if you buy all the panels and the hem facing, I will throw in the bodice, maybe you can do something with it....

:::enter HUGE sigh here::::

I just don't understand folks....really I don't. I would have gladly, happily paid TWICE as much, even three times as much, for the whole gown than I did for it in pieces, and seller wouldn't have had to waste her time unpicking it. Though I have to say, she UNPICKED it....she did NOT cut it apart, thankfully! The whalebone stays are still inside the bodice lining....the hammered brass hooks and eyes are all present, and the piping is even still attached to the waist of the bodice!

So, one of my goals for 2025 is to reassemble this humble wool challis house gown into its former self. It has survived this long, its the least I can do. I will share my progress here on the blog, sprinkled in amongst other things.

Cheers to a Happy & Healthy 2025 full of Peace & Love for EVERYONE


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