Monday, November 28, 2022

Store Closing 11 Dec

 Closed for Shipping 11 Dec 2022

 I am having another surgery on 13 Dec, so I will be closing the ETSY store on 11 Dec. If you need something before Christmas, be sure to order before then. I have no idea how long it will be until I am able to drive/ship orders again. 
I hope you had a nice holiday weekend~ above is some native turkeys this weekend, trying to eat my clothespins that fell off the line...

I haven't done much stitching wise, just a little on my casket to try and keep my mind busy. I have shared more pictures on my Instagram, the link is to the right. I really hate Soie Ovale as a fiber, as it sticks to everything, my hands included. So I wear gloves to stitch with it, because I really do LOVE the look of it when finished. The little scenes just glow and really look magical. 
What does NOT look magical is the hideous green rainbow hillock to the bottom left in the picture. I decided I was going to frog it out, and blast it I could not unpick those tiny stitches for anything. So I decided Id cut them out....nope. My farmer was not having it, so I left them in. Looks like a weird version of velvet or turkey stitch...I trimmed the pile down and now have a fuzzy green mossy looking hillock, I put a pic on the Instagram. I just have no capacity for things anymore, so if the stitches want to be there so bad, they're gonna stay, and hope I get to laugh about it later
Happy Stitching XOXOXO


Janet said...

Dear Rachael,
I wish you all the very best for your next surgery. The anxiety, the waiting and the worry are exhausting. My daughter was cut top to bottom twice and I have faced 4 surgeries this past year. There is nothing good about any of this except that we each survived and are going on.
I want you too to not only survive but thrive so you can continue to fill the world with your beautiful work.
Janet Brandt

Anonymous said...

Rachael, Larry & I send you our warmest best wishes for your upcoming surgery. In the mean time deep breaths and stitching to calm the nerves. (I once took a knitting project with me into the prep room before a surgery to help keep me calm. My doctor was surprised but thought it was okay if it calmed me}. Know that you have a whole global stitching community who is thinking of and praying for you.
Love and prayers,
Lela Popp