Monday, August 31, 2020

Sundayes Past Well Spent

It's Finally Finished!

  Super happy that I finally managed to finish painting the last two sides of my flat top casket's travel case. I have been so busy that it's got pushed aside for quite a while now, but this past weekend I finished painting the top and can officially call her done done done!

 I don't think I posted it when I finished painting the back panel. Should have done a little more with the trees, but then I really wanted to portray what my patterns looked like before I stitched them~ so one could compare the case with the casket and see how the patterns evolved as I was stitching them

 Here is the inside when the case is opened~ I wanted it to be like in the beginning of the movie The Wizard of Oz, when it goes from black and white to colour.

 Strange to think of it as finally finished.  I have so many ideas for more, I hope I live long enough to see them all come to life

 There is such a difference between the monochromatic outer shell and the surprise inside.

Here is a short video, really short cause I only have two hands....

Inside one of the secret drawers my broken soldiers lie peacefully. Job well done I tell them. The thought of throwing them away just did not sit well with me, so I gave them a true place of honor in the casket they themselves stitched...every single stitch. 
I think it's time to swear in a new group of soldiers and start afresh...time's a wastin!


Barbara Brown said...

It turned out PERFECT!!!! What is in there with your "soldiers"?? Dad says, "Diamonds!" lol I said labradorite and salt!! ha! Ha! LY, Mom

Rachael Kinnison said...

Ha no~ wrong on both! One is the second of the two geodes Josh gave me~ I used the other one on top of the fountain on the back panel, and the other is a quartz crystal the children got together and gave to me for Christmas one year

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

I love that you kept the broken and bent needles that made this casket inside it.