Monday, September 19, 2016

Museum Monday!

Grouping of 19th c Trade Cards 741.2013.59a-d

  This weeks Museum Monday lucky number is 741, a grouping of four mid nineteenth century trade cards. I happened to get this group as a lot, because I wanted in particular the Eberhardt card~ but any of these early cards are wonderful. They are  a little more scarce, as people tend to collect the fancy litho cards of the late 19th century
 F. Eberhardt was an importer of French & German baskets~ just one of dozens of shops that sold my early basket purses in Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Sometimes, one can learn more from what is scribed on the  back of a card, than what is advertised on the front~ like on the back of Wlm Graham's card advertising that he was a House, Sign, Ship & Ornamental Painter~ on the back, he has written both the date and an errand for an apprentice~ so we get a wonderful glimpse into what he was up to on June 13th, 1877~
'Plilada. June 13th/77~
C. Sehrack Pleo~ Please give bearer 25 lbs. Putty, & charge to W.W. Graham'
I wonder how much 25 pounds of putty cost back in 1877.....25 cents maybe?

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