Well I am planing on watching the Grammy's tonight~ I cant wait to see who is wearing what :) I was planing on posting on 18th century paste anyway, and thought, you know~ if they would have had a Grammy Awards show in the 18th century, they would have worn paste to it! In all actuality, it may surprise you that many of today's well to do also wear paste jewels~ copies of their precious real ones at home in the safe. Paste was very popular in the 18th c~ nearly more so than actual real diamonds, and was even made by the Royal jewelers. The above 18th c buckles are made of the most popular type of paste~ the colorless type that simulates diamonds. These things really BLING in natural light, just like diamonds. This brilliant type of paste is made of a highly leaded glass, more specifically a borosilicate of potassium and lead, with a little alumina in the mix. They are backed in silver foil for maximum reflection and sparkle, usually in a bezel setting, as the backs must be airtight as to not tarnish and discolor the stone.
Georges- Frederic Strass invented the technique for making paste in Paris in 1724. All manner of jewelry was made from it, and it was a favorite stone for shoe buckles up until the last quarter of the 18th c when latchets on the shoes went out of fashion. They usually were made in suites~ 2 for the shoes, 2 for the breeches (men), and sometimes matching stock buckles as well (for the neck), and kept in their own fitted cases, highly prized. It is somewhat rare to have a set, as over the years, one would be given to one child, the other to a second child ect ect, since there isn't much call for actually using them. Many were stripped of their mechanisms and made into brooches as well
WOW!!!!!! I really enjoyed the You Tube presentation. It was GREAT and much easier than trying to explain with the written word. I adore paste jewelry and one of my most treasured pieces is a man's matching pair of shoe buckles and knee breeches buckles.
Thanks for sharing.
HI Donna~ Thankyou! I am glad you enjoyed it~ I tried to keep it simple and quick! I HATE making videos, but it really is nearly impossible to try and explain (for me) in words!
xoxoxox rachael
Hi Rachael. Thank you for your very nice comment today, it was so good to hear from you, and it reminded me that i need to visit your blog to see what you are up to. Glad I did. I love it when you have a video on your blog, it's always so interesting and I enjoy this one very much!
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