So Happy Being 'Me'

I was going thru my pictures today, to pick some out to show you body views of Holley & Dollye, and I just got such a feeling of contentment....a feeling that totally pleased me, thru to the soul, of who I am. A doll maker. A mommy. A wife~ it is all good. I feel full measure of my blessings the Lord has bestowed upon me, and I am so very honored to be even a little inspiration to others....if not for anything else, but to inspire one to be and do what they want to do. We only get one life, so I say why even bother putting off what you really want to do~ whatever it is. Don't have the time you say? Make time!
I really do love making dolls. When I look at the early dolls, I think of the makers~ who sat and carved that face....who sat and painted that face? Did they think their little creation would take on a life of it's own, and be so everlasting, and so meaningful to others? I can certainly see the love in the painted strokes on their precious faces, and I get the same feeling when I sit and make my own dolls. I often talk to them about what they will see and do, in the lives they make for themselves. And I do miss them.

Some times I will make a doll, and think she is finished, only to find some time after, that she is unhappy with her current situation. This came to mind this past weekend with Ladye Jane Peale. You may recall this wonderful pet-en-lair I made last year, silk coat and blue silk stays she wore.....well, she just did not like them. Actually, what she really wanted was a big Pompadour hair do, and she just couldn't have a wonderful formal wig, and be in morning house she has retired to the Inn for a while, and her cast offs were quickly snatched up by my Elsa girl. She is a little bit larger than Jane Peale, 25", and they actually fit her better. She was indeed, very happy

As I was cleaning my worktable to paint her some primitive hair on, I remembered the fabulous human hair weft that I had bought earlier this year....hmmmmmmm I thought. Would you like to try some on Elsa? Well as soon as I opened the drawer and pulled it out, she was hopping up and down and just would not be still until I came into her same agreement.
If you recall with my Marguarite, I was not able to find human hair that was up to my standards, so I used my own. ALL of the 20 inches I I certainly cant keep doing that! Earlier this year I found a gorgeous brunette weft, and so far, have just been admiring and petting it. I have never sewn with a weft before, so that was kind of intimidating me too......but, after stitching up Elsa a wig from it, its like sewing butter and I will be doing many more human hair wigs in the future!

If you are wondering what a weft is, it is a line of hair that has been turned and stitched to itself at the top to keep it together. Most all wigs are made from weft. I wanted Elsa to not have much bulk and her hair to be quite sparse, so in between the wefts I stitched antique kid leather in a nearly matching color, to cover the muslin base. Her wig is totally removable, and I am pondering on making her a blonde one as a surprise birthday gift this year....((shhhhhh~ don't tell!))

It lays very flat, and I am quite happy with it. I like a doll with straight straight hair~ seems most all wigs are curls curls curls. I haven't yet styled it, or trimmed it, but as I let it soak in and relax on her, I am leaning towards not doing a thing to it~

I kind of like the morning uncombed look it has~ she is truly relaxing & lounging! Perhaps she will write some letters later in the day.........