Thursday, January 17, 2008

And So.........The Mischief Starts already................
It has been horribly cold here at the Olde Madrid Plaza in Southern was minus 22 below zero this morning~ so when I heard shouting and overall disagreement coming from the studio, I naturally assumed that the gas heater had turned off, and the girls were chilly. It was just last week I caught Mary Easty trying to abscond with Ladye Elizabeth's wrap.....She looks so innocent, yet I find there is definitely a little devil in her! Oh~ but I'm getting off onto the wrong road......back to this morning. As I entered the studio, I was SHOCKED to find several of the girls crowding around the doll house...6 BUTTS~ yes, all I could see were 6 colorful hinies bumping about~ and I'm thinking~ why on earth are the girls trying to all get in there??? They KNOW they wont fit! As I made my way thru, I found the reason for their discourse. Just LOOK at that MESS! Flour all brand new bag of chicken scratch opened and spilled onto the floor~ and my ice box nearly wiped clean out! When I saw that all the carrots we put up last fall had disappeared, I glanced over my shoulder and the "boys" were no where to be seen...........they re not even painted yet and already up to such mischief! I KNEW they were going to be a handful.....and this is why I don't make up "boys" that often.
All I had do, was follow they're little messy trail of tidbits from the dollhouse... I found them 'hiding' in amongst my pine garland........Boy's definitely will be boys! Little stinkers!!!


bluejeanprimitives said...

Oh Rachael! You tell the most wonderful stories!!!!! You'll need to keep your eyes on those girls and boys. ;)

xox, Jean

Barbara said...

Watch out for those boys. Make sure they all have big teeth!! You don't want any "scoundrals" messing with your girls! Surely you've warned them to stay away from men with little teeth. :-)
LY, Mom

Sylvia Anderson said...

You do tell wonderful stories!! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face! :)

Suzanne said...

Too cute Rachael. Can't wait to see their painted little faces!