Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
'51 Canal St, New York.....As the approach of the cold weather will render our lady friends thoughtful about their winter garments, they will, we trust, be gratified that we are at pains to afford them several styles which the modistes of Paris have prepared for the season'..............
I know I certainly would be most gratified to have received the above such 'Raglan' for my Christmas gift in 1855! Or maybe even the 'Andalusia' pictured below We keep a library of period fashion publications here at the Museum, and I am often asked if the clothing did in fact, look like the ones advertised. I have sat for many an evening and dreamt what it would be like, to receive the latest copy of Godey's or Peterson's Lady's National Magazine...and behold the excitement when the latest fashions were 'pictured'. I wondered if they were like the fliers we get now a days.....but unlike a photograph....did the actual garments live up to their neat & precisely engraved counterparts???? All was answered for me one fall afternoon, when an older gentleman, John Brown, offered me one of his Grandmother's cloaks
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Ohhhh such a busy time of year! It seems there are never enough hours in the day.....and its getting dark so early now~ I find myself just sitting in the quite gazing upon the Christmas Tree. Sometimes I remember the happenstance of each little ornament....sometimes remember trips as a little girl to go cut the Christmas Tree 2 weeks before the big day................sometimes I don't think of anything at all.......I just sit and stare at all the beautiful twinkles of light dancing ever so gracefully thru the branches. I will be updating the blog soon~ am starting to get back into my old routine since my parents left last week. They drove down from Wa state as a wonderful surprise for Thanksgiving.........I can honestly say the very best holiday I have ever had~ EVER!
Dolly is coming along~ she is so proud of her new panniers...she thinks she will be the first in her city to wear a set......I just didn't have the heart to tell her everyone is wearing them nowadays. A proper girl just doesn't ever mention such things.