I can remember as a child how I would sit and ponder things....whenever my mind decided it had had enough of reality. I never knew exactly when, and it seems like it was always the 'wrong' time....like when I had been told by Ma to go and get something, or to do something. I would honestly start out with good intentions, but my mind would have its own agenda and soon I would be laying down in a field of flowers out by the big olde chimney looking up at the clouds.....instead of doing the dishes.
Mollye Pickett asked so sweetly this morning to wear the Grande straw bonnet that she found packed carefully away in a box up in her Grandmother's attic....and it fit her so perfectly. She has worn it proudly all day, out picking strawberries in the fields by the Olde Towne Road, but alas time has come for her to put it back..........yet she hesitates. I called for her to come help me get the little ones ready for bed, and when she didn't come promptly, I came up and caught her gazing deeply into the olde hatbox. I wonder where she is, and what wonderful adventure she is on?
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
No~ I don't gamble...but if I did, I should think that the way I felt when I found this little c1855 Ambrotype would be exactly how one would feel winning a million dollars in the lottery! I have collected and studied children's basket purses for years and years. I have over 100 examples of them here in the museum~ a good variety of different shapes, paint patterns & sizes. I am never so bold as to say I know everything about them....but I will say I probably know more than most.....and can absolutely prove that they are NOT! Chinese export baskets, but American American American! Certain shapes are more rare than others, some I have examples of in daguerreotype images that I don't have a physical specimen of....yet! I have seen boat shaped footed baskets with little tassels...I'd love to find one of those! Anyway, I'm rambling~ I was T*H*R*I*L*L*E*D* to death when I found this ambro, as it is a new shape I had not yet seen, and painted! Fragile as they are, quite a few have survived and can still be 'hunted' successfully. ( by the way, I am always interested in buying, if anyone should run across one I do also pay a finders fee...) Another reason of my liking this image so very much is her dress.....just look at that precious roller print! Most definitely printed on a lightweight challis. I adore early printed textiles....I start to humm the song from 'The Sound of music' when I think of them......'These are a few of my favorite things.....Printing on kerchiefs, and light printed aprons.....soft woolen dresses hand printed with flowers.....' you get the idea! I have some pictures of my favorites I will share with you, just as soon as Blogger will let me put them on!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008
Pearl wears 2 strings of wee seed beads around her neck in an emerald green~ Id say they're at least a size 40...meaning you can get at least 40 of them in a single inch. Her earrings are micro faceted green tourmaline...they twinkle so pretty when she moves.
We were off Tuesday morning to the Dr, and got the bright neon blue weapon of a cast OFF! Woo HOO! She was a bit scared at first for anyone to touch her leg, but as soon as I lightly started to scratch behind her knee....her little eyes nearly rolled back in her head, her eyes glazed over and she was all at once still. I asked "Does that feel good?", to which she replied a mesmerized "Uh~Huh"
After a quick trip to Hospital for xrays, we were off to get her a new pair of pink shoes on the way home, and then a nice loooooooooooooong bath
THANKYOU to all our friends for the well wishes!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Have you ever just had one of those days, when you don't feel like
getting dressed....or going anyplace~ seeing anyone, or really doing
anything at all??? Silence & I have had a day like that today. We have spent
the morning sitting out on the porch, listening to the red wing
blackbirds....theire song is so peculiar & lovely! We really started to laugh
when Silence tried to impersonate and sing back to them!
Shes such a shy girl, doesn't talk much. Silence will be 12 soon, and its
come time for her to shed her childhood stays and have an adult pair
made......really no different from what she normally wears, except with one
great exception......this time it was a trip to the stay~maker for
measurements and proper fitting. She was quite nervous, but all went well,
and today we tried them on for the first time ever
She picked out a lovely mahogany brown hand dyed cotton, as it is
coming on summertime, and one does not want to SWEAT in their own
While we were in town, we marveled at the new~fangled contraptions recently contrived to hold out one's skirts from their body. We could not resist temptation, and brought home a new fancy set of pannier hoops......these custom made in hand wrapped wire, and peony pink silke ribbons
'Silence Browne' is my latest One of a Kind c1760 Queen Anne doll, and she will be
made available on my April 15th TDIPT update. She has the esteemed title of being on of my Grande Dame dollys. All of her clothing are hand stitched reproductions of 18th century originals, are completely removable, and made with the utmost attention to period details and accuracy. I will also have a dolly box
or two~ there and in my ETSY store. The blue one on the top will be on ETSY~ I really love how they all look stacked together!