I have been working on a special Grodner Tal doll for some time. I sculpted her head quite some months ago, and she has been very patient up on the work table, waiting for her turn to be dressed. In that time, she has told me many a sweet story. My favorite was when she told me how she had been handed down thru the years, from one special Mommy to the next. While I sat carefully whittling her arms and legs from wood, she remembered how she had once sat up high on a sill, watching while the olde storekeeper sat and whittled at a scrap of wood, just as I was....."yes~ that's it~ and he made my hands dip in like that~ yes! Ever so slightly....and he painted me pretty red slippers" Hmmm...I thought to myself~ 'yes~ red slippers will be perfect'. She told me how she was given to a beautiful woman who went sailing on a ship over the water...."It made me quite sick~ I prefer hard ground to water"....she said in a quiet little voice.
One day, her Mistress lay her carefully amongst some lace and gloves, in a beautiful wooden trunk, and shut the lid. "After my nap, I awoke to see the lid still shut~ it was far to heavy a matter for me to lift, so I lay and wait....and wait, for too long a time to even recall" One day, the lid opened again, and her Mistress was no longer young & fair, but frail and worn. Her soft fingers lifted dolly from the trunk, and presented her to a sweet little dark haired girl.. "What a proud day it was for me~ to have Mistress's Grand daughter for my own~ we had many a fine day together!"
I can just imagine how good it must have felt, to be out and loved again.....
Oh, Honey,
I LOVE her story! And she's so pretty! Also really like her new "Mistress" that's holding her! Too COOL!
LY, Mom
She is magnificent!
......you are amazing, Rachael. Would love to see some close ups of that sweet face.....can't wait til the 15th.
oohh lala
she's wonderful.
Glad Pippin is doing good too!
thanks for caring..
love ya
oohh lala
she's wonderful.
Glad Pippin is doing good too!
thanks for caring..
love ya
COOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!! You've got MUSIC!! I LOVE it! Makes me just want to sit back, listen and browse through the centuries with you.
LY, Mom
Oh Rachael! The dollies and stories just get better and better!
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