Saturday, December 23, 2023

Embroidery FInished!

 Merry Christmas

Today I stitched on the final two little vellum rosettes on the top panel of my Scenes Of Country Life, or Rural Pursuits casket, so the embroidery is now complete. It was my goal to get it finished this year...well, last year really, that morphed into this year! I will take a few days off and enjoy Christmas and then glue the top, front, and front frieze panels onto the casket. Once that is finished, I can start making the trim, which I am really excited about~ it's gonna look fabulous!

I hope ya'll have a wonderful holiday season. Whatever your special day is, I hope it's filled with love & peace & happiness. If you are missing a special someone, I hope you make time to sit and remember them & the lifetime of memories they left with you. Remembering our loved ones and sharing stories about them with others, is how they live on forever~

Happy Stitching & Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Your tree is gorgeous! I see all the special ones from years ago, the eggs, the Lifesaver clown, plus all your beautiful originals that you make yearly! Your casket is going to be AWESOME! You need to embroider "2023" under the 2022 tough so you know how long it took you to make it!! Happy New Year, Darlin' LY, Mom


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