Thursday, June 18, 2015

Free Shipping on Padded Mirror Cases

Some News~
   I have had several emails as of late from folks asking if they have missed the newsletter~ the answer is, no~ you have not! I have been so busy I have not sent one out for about 3 months now, and as well, I need to find a newsletter server that can send them out for me, as my mail list is so long, I hit the wrong button a few years ago and sent the list out to everyone all at once and was instantly labeled a spammer! I had to read yahoo's entire policy on spamming in order to get my email turned back on, and one would think, that after 10+ years with the same email, that would be taken off my account, but nope, most of the time, my emails end up there~ so if you are waiting for a reply from me and more than a day or two have passed, look in your junk box, ill be there!  So for now, as Paul Harvey says, Standby for News!

 Free Shipping on Padded Mirror Cases for the month of June
 There is just about two weeks left in June, so if you have been thinking about joining the Padded Mirror Case Class, now is the time! I am offering FREE SHIPPING to destinations within the continental USA, and all others, worldwide get 50% OFF.  For both cases, this equates to a good 65.~70.00 savings!

 Padded Mirror Cases now Available Without Class
 My padded mirror cases are now available at a discounted rate for those in class who would like more than one, and for those who need no instructions.  If interested, you can learn more on the Diamond K Folk Art blog, just click the link at the right in the sidebar, then look for the sorting tabs at the top of that blog.

 I have had several request for slate frames, so am working on some now~ will let you know how they come out! I  am making mine out of ash and poplar~ very nice straight and strong grain~ and I may have schoolgirl painted designs available in the future.

 Speaking of Schoolgirl Art... I have been keeping very busy with my thread palette & winder sets and really really want to thank all of you who have emailed me about how much you like them, I appreciate it so much! I love making special treasures that brighten peoples day~ it makes my heart smile. I do make special custom designed sets, so if you have something in particular in mind, just drop me a line~ you can find my contact info in the sidebar.

 Bath Textile Summer School
  Word has slowly eeked out, and yes, its true! I will be teaching a 4 day workshop at the 2017 Summer school session on 17th Beaded Stumpwork~ its going to be FANTABULOUS!!! So mark your calendars if you want to spend 7 hours a day , for 4 jam packed days with me in a massive beading marathon, I'm not telling what I will be teaching yet, but will hint its gonna be AWESOME!!!!

 Of coarse I have been working on dollys dollys~ and you can see MR Wm Cooper in the current issue of Early American Life Magazine~ I am so so honored to have been chosen again this year for the 2015 Directory of Traditional American Craftsmen~ THANKYOU  so much to all the judges.  I have been quite busy so there has been a lack of new dollys on eBay, but do still stay quite busy with custom orders~ so if you have a particular dolly in mind and are tired of waiting for him/her to appear happenstance, just drop me a line!


  1. Are you going to take special orders on sizes for the slate frames? I need HUGE.

  2. HI Janice~ how huge is HUGE??? xoxoxo

  3. Crikey Rachael, I feel like I have very little on the go when I read this latest post ~ you are one busy ladye ~ what you achieve is beyond amazing ~ where to start....the school girl slate frames have certainly peaked my interest big time & cannot wait to see in 3D just wot is in your mind's eye ~ will you be making any frames big enough to fit the fancy mirror? ~ OMG I SO WISH I could come to the Summer School, maybe, just maybe my circumstances will allow in a couple of years but why O why is NZ so, so, so far, far, far away ~ xxx

  4. Rae~ just think of how much stitching you could get done on the long plane ride! I have flown from Guam to Hawaii to California so add what probably about another 5 hours at least for you from NZ to Guam....and good grief~ thats a LOT LOT LOT of stitching time! LOL Frame I have finished and ready to paint now is 24x24, so yes, I think that should fit the fancy frame easily enough! Will post more on the frames in the next few days as I am getting alot of questions about them~ xoxoxo rachael


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