Thursday, August 07, 2014

Sampler & Antique Needlework Quarterly Autumn 2014

 I am speechless~ my beaded basket made the cover of SANQ Autumn 2014 issue! What an honor~ words cannot express my gratitude, no absolutely not.  I can't wait to get my copy and read Tricia's article~ you can purchase a digital copy here .  This is so exciting for me to be able to help bring this lost and forgotten form of art back into circulation!  I have been really surprised at the reaction & feedback people have given me when they see my basket~ I would say 90% or more of them had never seen anything like it or know it existed and they were all intrigued and wanted to know how I made it. I am pondering a new online class if there is enough interest~ the twilling technique can be used for so many different things~ not just presentation baskets...think small projects~ can you imagine a beaded corsage and boutinir for a wedding...ones that will never wilt and can be saved....brooches, picture & mirror frames....a chandelier or candle sconce~ there is not limit to ones imagination~ the beads will not melt or be damaged by water or dust...their color does not fade over time, and most of all, its just plain fun! So run out and get your copy of the current issue of SANQ today!


  1. Congratulation! Just ordered my copy and I am looking forward to reading all about it!

  2. Congratulations! This is so well deserved. I am delighted for you. The next cover will be your handsome King.

  3. So awesome for you Rachael. Cannot wait for my copy to arrive. Online class sounds like a great idea. Love your new kingly guy on the ning! Rae.

  4. So PROUD of you!!! Can't wait to see it in person!
    LY, Mom


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