Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Keep on Guessing!!!

Ohh so many wonderful and insightful guesses have come in for my "Prims Mystery Giveaway"!! But, I hadn't realized that most are not so fully aware of proper Victorian fashion as I am, hint hint.....so I have decided to add a little hint here on the blog. Most have the culprit pegged completely....but her awful trick has gone by unnoticed to some~ look to the sidebar for an innocent creature, study her picture well, and then go back and look at the article, you will realize straight away what she has endured! Just email me your guess, and I will let you know if it is correct or not! I am a bit behind as I have been quite ill this past week, but am feeling much better now, and playing catch up~

1 comment:

Finegan Antiques said...

Those marbles remind me a little of your wonderful colored eggs. Man copying Nature.
